What Now? A CEU

What Now? A CEU

Time & Location

NOVEMBER 10, 2022, 12:00pm onwards

What Now? by Suzanne Tick is a reflection of the Now – an ever-changing discussion of evolution, design inspiration and what is relevant for the time. The learner will understand Tick Studio’s approach to creativity through understanding nature, one’s place in nature, and the variety of reliable phases present in nature that one can draw from for support and inspiration. The learner will also get a behind the scenes look at how expanding one’s consciousness through meditation, discussion and field trips creates more opportunities for creativity, collaboration and creating a body of work that is truly reflective of your own personal ethos.

Accredited by the AIA, attendees will understand and identify the physical, mental and metaphysical connections between all living things, and the ways in which ignoring those connections can lead us to become disconnected. The learner will learn how unstressing through a meditation practice and creative process can lead to deepening one’s connection to their community, leading to unbounded creativity and opportunities to nurture relationships.

Join Suzanne Tick, Creative Director at Luum Textiles at Colab on Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 12pm onwards.

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